Feeling overwhelmed, frightened, confused? In these current times of uncertainty and massive change, how can we come together to feel clear, grounded, and even hopeful? At the Mindsight Institute, we realize that these are times not to be “social distancing” but instead see this as “physical distancing”—seriously engaging in keeping physical distance to lower the chance of infection and “flattening the curve” to keep the rate of spread of the novel coronavirus and its accompanying disorder, COVID-19, as low as possible. Especially in these stressful and isolating times, we need to socially gather, at a distance.
With this in our collective minds, starting in April we are going to begin a weekly “PEPP MWe Up Talk and Gathering”: as a community, we will gather online to focus on the Personal Experience of this Planetary Pandemic. That’s the PEPP MWe Up Talk and Gathering we’ll have. We’ll be exploring the science of the mind, the practice of presence, and the practical applications of Interpersonal Neurobiology to constructively deal with uncertainty and cultivate resilience in our inner and relational lives. Inner personal experience is not separate from outer global events, and this collective online gathering is intended to be an immersion in science combined with practical tips relevant for us personally and professionally, as global citizens, therapists, educators, parents, and organizational leaders. We’ll have brief “blasts” of information, stories, and possibly even some humor, who knows, as we face these challenging times, together. We’ll build on the interdisciplinary foundation of IPNB to find a way to transform the trauma arising now into growth for the present that will benefit us into the unknown future, a time that we can, with intention, compassion and wisdom, help transform into something that is strong and generatively built with love and connection.